Visit WBMC

Join us for worship!

First Visit at Westfield Bible Methodist Church

I would like to welcome you to the Westfield Bible Methodist Church. I am always excited to meet new people. On your very first visit, I trust you will find a warm atmosphere, a friendly congregation, and a church serious about worship and God’s Word.

I am glad you decided to visit us online and I hope the information provided will give you insight on who we are, our ministries and our passion to love and serve Jesus Christ.

Church is much more than beautiful facilities, but it is a family of people just like you. We support our church family by times of worship, Bible study, prayer, encouragement, caring for needs, and reaching out to our community and world missions.

Please let us know how we may minister to you and your family.

Rev. Jack Hooker


Visit Westfield Bible Methodist Church

Service Times


Morning Service @10:30 AM
Evening Service @5:30 PM

Other Services

Wed. Bible Study @7:00 PM
Thur. Guys Grow Group @7:00 AM

First Visit at Westfield Bible Methodist Church


Visit Westfield Bible Methodist Church

Physical Address

219 W 161st St
Westfield, IN 46074
(317) 867-0061

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the overall environment like?
We strive to make you feel welcome as you endeavor to connect with God. We believe in worship. We want an environment that will help you to focus on God and less concerned about the atmosphere around you.
What should I wear?
You will see some of our people in dress clothes and some that are more casually dressed. Neither is expected of you. We are much more concerning about what is going on inside of a person that what they are wearing on the outside. So just dress as you wish.
What is the music like?
We sing a mixture of praise choruses and traditional hymns and gospel songs. We want our music to be deep in meaning, easy to understand and contributing to worship. We also are blessed with special musical groups that also point our minds and hearts to Jesus Christ.
Will I be asked to give money?
We do receive an offering but there is never an obligation to give. Just come and experience a service at WBMC. If you decide to make us your church home, then anything you give will be greatly appreciated.

We understand that visiting a new church may be a little strange at first, but that is why we try really hard to help you feel at home while you are here at WBMC.

Have Questions?

Give us a call using the number below.