
Who we are and what we believe.


Our top priority is providing and promoting worship. This involves both of our services on Sunday. We want to create an atmosphere of worship through music, corporate prayer and the preaching of God’s Word. 

Bible Study

Every Wednesday evening we study the Bible in a systematic way. This involves handouts, discussion and questions and application to our daily lives. We close the time of Bible Study with a time of corporate prayer.

Guys Grow Group

Every Thursday morning at 7AM, men gather for breakfast and a study into Biblical principles that directly apply to men and their lives. For one hour we enjoy food, fellowship and discussion into Biblical truth.

World Missions

Our church is focused on praying and supporting missionary endeavors in several places in the world. We strive to stay informed on what God’s is doing outside or our own community and nation. We also invite missionaries to present their ministries to us.

We also take on various projects to support the work of spreading the gospel around the world.

Have Questions?

Give us a call using the number below.