Our Core Values

Westfield Bible Methodist Church is a faith community committed to helping people find and follow Jesus. The following beliefs guide us in our purpose.


Biblical Authority
We acknowledge the Word of God as our final authority for doctrine and practice.

Loving Community
We commit to live out the “one another” commands of Scripture in a unified, redemptive community.

Missional Outreach
We are a sent people who embrace the call of Christ to impact the world through evangelism, church planting, missions and meeting social needs in each community.

Fervent Prayer
We rely on corporate and private prayer for communion with God and a source of spiritual power in life and ministry.

Holy Living
We believe that God calls all believers to a life of holiness, and that His Spirit enables us in this pursuit through union with Christ.

Family Focused
We partner with the family to model and perpetuate the Christian faith from generation to generation.

Authentic Worship
We seek to glorify God by whole-heartedly exalting His supreme worth in corporate and personal worship.

Intentional Discipleship
We purpose that through biblical instruction and mentoring relationships we will make disciples who obey Christ and disciple others.

Biblical Preaching
We believe that clear preaching and teaching of God’s Word is His plan for the saving of souls and maturing of believers.

Scriptural Holiness
We believe that God calls every believer to holiness that rises out of His character. We understand it to begin in the new birth, include a second work of grace that empowers, purifies and fills each person with the Holy Spirit, and continues in a lifelong pursuit.

Have Questions?

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